Hi everyone!
Thanks for all your comments! Amy wants to do the New Zealand iron man.... hmmm you might have to do something before I allow that and I'm not talking gym. Halo thanks for updating me about my little Sputnik! Dylan your dads a true himalayan man : )
Sorry for the delay in posting, there's been hassle getting to connections and when I have its been down! Were in Namche Bazaar (3410m) it was one hell of a trek up, a never ending spiral staircase it seemed! Its hard to describe how hard it is just walking up these mountains... I'm like OAP! Good thing is I can run down hill or when there is a slow incline. May sats are little low on the evening 82-87 variable, but there +90 on a morning. Blood pressure is good, it was actually down this morning at 70 over 110, thats good folks. Everyone else's sats are also fine, all +90, the lads BP's are slightly higher but nothign to worry about, its expected at this altitude.
Yesterday we went for a trek over the hill... har har, we climbed to 3880m to the Everest View Hotel. We did get some shots of Everest in the background but the morning dew was lifting and clouds kept passing over. The pathway up was yet another ending staircase! Once we were up though it was fine, a nice steep/sheer drop to our right : ) We went to the Kunde Hospital in the village. All quite sprity and high in spirits. I was a little hyper.. active and did a few short runs and jumping from rock to rock! The trek back was the last section of the marathon race... its horrific, basically a downward rock/soft dust slide! We're going to have to walk this section as its treacherous.
I know I'm going backwards here but its easier to start with the freshest events in mind. The trek from Phakding 2610m (which was the first stop over from Lukla) was some of the most spectacular scenery we have all seen (except for Guy he says, "I've been to Wales!"). We travelled along the river and crossed many swing bridges. Barry being a clever sod decided to run across behind me (I was shitting it thinking he was going to jump on my back) but when I turned he'd only gone and decked it! Funny as hell and luckily for him it was out of sight of Stephens camcorder by Mike standing in the way!
The food is now getting boring, I don't want another curry for a month at least (so no Lynn you can get rid of any curry powders your saving for me). A lot of it is being fried too, which isn't agreeing with me, even taken creon, but now going to have to take some lax : ) Joy!
And from Guy....
Hi Dylan, hope your reading the blogs every day and looking at the pictures. On Stephens blog there is a picture of a Yeti's head ( Google Yeti ) which I saw, so you can go to school and tell everyone your Dad saw the Yeti. But I didnt kill it.
The air up here is quite thin now so its very difficult to run even 10 yeards, you get out of breath very quickly. Most of the food is curry but its not very hot so you would probably like it.
I will call again soon .
Lou you'll be glad to know I have loads of photos, some are attached, I've even got some close up of flowers, using the macro function, I've also worked out the white balance on the camera... I'm becoming a dab hand : )
And from Barry....
To my wonderfull girls; Missing you all masses!, having great time thought. We're on our day off today so have come to internet cafe to do some blogging... May do little run this afternoon, depends on wheather. We've just uploaded a video from my camera on Stephens blog, you must have a look. Just had best nights sleep so far, 9pm to 7am. We've learnt a new card game called 'spoons' and its wicked! You'll be shown on my return, it covers all nationalities as most of the group play after dinner. Hope your all keeping well and coping without the man about the house, I'm sure you are! We move on tomorrow to Teng Bouche so not sure when we may get internet access again, hopefully soon. Love you all, missing you. xxx
And from Stephen....
So Massive blog from Jodie and a sentance from me. I can"t even see my own but I gather from home that it is working well so take a look. We are having a great time and next steps are tomorrow. Trekking to Tengboche. another 400m. The food is lots of vedge and potatoes and rice but very edible. Our saturationetc are all fine and we are supporting the run docs with pulse oximeter and loan of books etc.
Back soon enough
Love to all
Back to moi...
People at work... bouchy bow : ) Homeretta I'm gonna ricohette a belch across the himalayas for you ; ) Watson your a muppet, Ruth I would murder for some of your rainbow cake right now one more curry I'm gonna be dying!
Love to all will hopefully be able to post at our next stop which is Tenboche (approx. 3900m), we've had a 3 day rest in namche, with trekking here and there to help acclimitise. Sorry this post is in no order, time is money and I have little of the time side!
Love and peace out... ogggy ogggy ooohhhhh mwahahaha by the way the YAKS are FAB!!!
Mar love you loads. Can some one get a message across to Dad and Dawn, Marie to check out my blog for updates as I can't call from here. Dad if your reading on the rigs, love ya, you'd love this xxx
PS to all freiends far and wide you can add my blog pass it on as you will. I will be in touch with everyone when I get back. x