Gorak Shep 5190m
You won't believe how exasperating this is.
We haven't had email or phone communication for 3 or 4 days.
We are now one stop and 2 nights from base camp and 4 nights from the run.
Our lack of communications has nothing to do with a lack of love on our part.
This is a blackberry generated email and it's in responce to my first batch of hospital emails since coming to nepal.
There is no agreement between any provider in nepal and T mobile.
So this is a miracle and is probably thanks to a chinese mobile transmitter on everest!
We are all well.
Various bouts of diarhioah, mild AMS symptoms, mild hepertension but we are in excellent spirits.
The surfaces we will be running on are awfull so stability safety and efficiency are our watchwards.
Anyone who says this is a run downhill will get decked
I can't wait to get to Namche Bizarre and our first of many pints.
We will try again over the next few dfays but love you lots and can't wait to get home love stephen
Sent using BlackBerry
Great to have you all home. There is a great photo and write up in the Northern Echo and Shields Gazettee for everyone to see. Lots of Love Lxx
The Northern Echo
The Shields Gazette
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